With the project having reached practical completion prior to Christmas, the construction team has shifted focus to the completion of final cleaning works and minor subcontractor defects close outs.
The installation of the cascading planter trellis system to the pool area is now being installed from level 6 to ground, along with some additional landscaping upgrades and maintenance.
Scaffolding for the planter boxers that will create a cascading wall of plants on either side of the main entrance at Acqua.
Cru Construct and Acqua’s Leading Hand Johnny unpacking the arrival of the latest landscaping delivery.
Internally, the final lift finishes are being completed this week and the Fitness Centre fitout and equipment installation is underway.
Letterbox details and project signage externally for the building will also be installed within the next fortnight.
All sales enquiries 1800 007 123 | sales@acquapalmbeach.com
Information relating to construction updates is a general summary only and may be subject to change depending on construction programs, suppliers, external contractors or weather events.